Sponsorship Information
Thank You to our Sponsors we couldn't do it without you !The support you provide is invaluable in helping our girls reach their goals. Visitors please take the opportunity to visit our sponsors site and use their services whenever you can, they are helping our girls, our community and their future.
We love our sponsors if you would like to become one or donate, here is how to do it !Dear Sponsor,
The Silicon Valley Baseball Association is one of the largest non-profit Independent Softball/Baseball Associations in Northern California. The Association is comprised of traveling softball/baseball teams from the ages of 9u to 18u. Our teams are registered with the National Organizations; U.S.S.S.A and A.S.A. We are self-sponsored and responsible for all of our costs. If you would like to help support our softball team, your sponsorship will help pay for equipment, uniforms, insurance, travel fees and other expenses. It is also tax deductible (Tax ID # 04-3632322) and 100% of you donation goes directly to our team. We are very grateful and thank you for any support you can offer. Sincerely, Silicon Valley Glory Softball Please make checks out to Silicon Valley Glory Softball Thank You ! |
Foundation Code : 509(a)(2) Organization
Year Founded : 10.2002
EIN (Tax ID) : 04-3632322
Affiliation : Independent
Organization Type : Association
Deductible Code : Deductible
Accounting Period : September
Year Founded : 10.2002
EIN (Tax ID) : 04-3632322
Affiliation : Independent
Organization Type : Association
Deductible Code : Deductible
Accounting Period : September